Program 2024

The daily program may be subject to change.

Thursday 4th July

From 9:00 am

Arrival of Aircraft and Exhibitors

From 8:00 pm
@ the Airport Restaurant

Inauguration Aperitif

Reserved to Exhibitors

Friday 5th July

From 10:00 am

Inauguration of the Fire Brigade DOS Training Center

From 12:00 am
@ the Conference Hall

Air-water-helisurfaces: the new Regulation

Eng. Marco Trombetti and Eng. Fabio Nicolai – ENAC
Dr. Guido Medici – Avioportolano

Enac Servizi, what role today and tomorrow

Eng. Marco Trombetti and Eng. Fabio Nicolai – ENAC
Eng. Pasquale Proietti – ENAC Services

From 2:00 pm
@ the Conference Hall

Il mantenimento della qualifica di apparecchio VDS avanzato

Eng. Valentina Vitale – Aero Club d’Italia

From 3:00 pm
@ the Conference Hall

Internal combustion engines in the VDS

Prof. Eng. Renato Ricci – Univ. Politecnica delle Marche
Attorney Giuseppe Failla – Piloti di Classe

Saturday 6th July

From 10:30 am
@ the Conference Hall

Dal fango al cielo, vita da piloti nella Prima guerra mondiale

Gen. Roberto Sardo – HAG

At 11:00 am and 4:00 pm

Guided tour of the Fire Brigade DOS Training Center

Reservation required at the gazebo of the Aero Club Pavullo

From 12:00 am
@ the Conference Hall

Digital Transition in AeCI services for VDS

Gen. Gianpaolo Miniscalco and Eng. Valentina Vitale – Aero Club d’Italia

From 3:00 pm
@ the Conference Hall

AeCI Technical Advisory Commission

Prof. Eng. Renato Ricci – Aero Club d’Italia

From 8:30 pm
@ the Airport Restaurant

Gala Dinner

Reservation required at the gazebo of the Aero Club Pavullo

Sunday 7th July

From 12:30 am to 3 pm

Aerial demonstrations of AeCI specialties

Motor acrobatics

Dominic Bonucchi – Yak 52
Maurizio Costa – Pitts S-2 B
Andrea Pesenato – Cap 231
Guido Racciopoli – Sukhoi 31M


Gruppo Aeromodellistico Secchia – Max Acro Turbina

Rotary wing

Mauro Antongiovanni – LaManna Escape and ELA Eclipse
Giuseppe Casalino – Magni M-16


Andrea Spresian and Oriol Palet – Jetson One


Mario Cotti – Fiat G46
Giuliano Ignoto – Vans RV-4
Vanni Scagnetti – F.8L Falco


Marcello Cristiani – Schempp-Hirth Quintus